Thursday, 3 October 2013

Realisations; Sometimes you have to let them go!

Over the last month or so I've realised and learned a lot about people. I've realised that some people you just have to let go.

Reasons for this include:

  • Negative energy- Constant put-downs, people not believing in you and your dreams, people who take their stress out on you, people who make you feel unhappy to be around.
  • People who just don't really care- These people usually pretend to care about you but when it comes a time that you really need their support, they're not there for you.
  • Liars- People who tell lies, I'm not talking about small, little white lies, but lies that can affect you and others.
I find that the easiest way to let these people go is to accept that they won't change. There might have been a time in your life where they were different but it's unlikely that they're going to change anytime soon, if they do change, when they come to the realisation that they have done something wrong it is likely that they will contact you. I've noticed since doing this, that I've become a happier person and have a lot more confidence within myself.

Focus on the people who believe in you and make you feel good about yourself, keeping in mind that it's a two-way street. Treat others how you wish to be treated and usually people return the favour.

Sorry for the slightly depressing post but I thought it might be helpful.
xx Phoebe


  1. you live with the most evil horrible woman i have met , my mother, you are seriously deluded phoebe....ihave ALWAYS told you how i feel show you my feelings, you have all of a sudden shut me out. You live a lie, you dont even call me or anything. How cruel not to even say hello to your own mother when you knew i was thrown out and my dog got run over...that just shows you have no emotional attachment to me. i can prove to you if you ever want to know "THE TRUTH" but you are blind. You only care about yourself and i dont blame you at all....its not your fault. and another thing i can admit i make a lot of mistakes and if i have i will admit it ...i will always love my only daughter. ALWAYS> but while you are in the shadow of lanas lies and manipulation..and who ever else runs me down then you are the one missing out ON THE REAL ME.

  2. YOU SOUND JUST LIKE LANA>>>> it makes me laugh!! oh hang on cry..because i feel sooooo sorry for you


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