Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Wednesday Wonders

It's halfway through the week and what a wonderful week it's been...NOT

Monday marked the start of my HSC exams starting with english and then tuesday brought another english paper. On the plus side, it's over now, but it was definitely crap. The comprehension section in the first exam was quite amusing. One of the excerpts was about this boy who just moved to Perth and didn't 'belong' because he had to wear shoes. He talks of the 'sand people' of Perth and how they're so awesome. Anyway, everyone who did the paper thought it was quite amusing and in HSC tradition, of couse there was thousands of memes. This was my favourite:

I guess it probably doesn't seem as funny to you, you had to have read the excerpt to truly understand how ridiculous it was.

Then today, after the wonderful woes of the HSC, I had to get new retainers. My teeth had become a little crooked so when they put the new retainers in, they barely went in, now I feel like every tooth in my mouth is being ripped out. YAY for me! Hopefully they'll settle their kettle while I sleep.

On the plus side, I don't have an exam until Monday so I have some extra time on my hands, new beauty post will be up tomorrow so don't forget to check out my beauty blog tomorrow :)
xx Phoebe


  1. you are such a pretty doll ! lovely blog ! would you like to follow each other :) xx

  2. AWW thankyou so much :) Just followed you on bloglovin', loved your blog :)
    Phoebe xx


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